Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday - Kirkjubæjarklaustur morning walk

We took l lovely walk from the Dalshofdi Guesthouse this morning before breakfast.  We started out shortly after sunrise hiking beside the river.b

On the way we passed by the standard pile of discarded farm equipment that seems to decorate most farms.

Then we hiked up into the high meadow

We saw our first insect other than flys and nats (the national insect of Iceland that swarms you in calm areas, fortunately, we are mostly in the wind).

As usual, we could not resist photos of the local flora - primarily lovely grasses .

Back near the guesthouse was a small cabin with a grass roof that looked as it had once been used to dry meat or fish . Now it contains an odd assortment of obsolete paraphanalia.

And off to Vic.

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